YAC is Accepting Youth Film Submissions for Flip the Script!

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OAKLAND, CA — The Youth Advisory Council is proud to host an issues-based digital film festival for California youth, titled “Flip the Script”. With two themes and four format categories, young filmmakers and enthusiasts will have many opportunities to win a $200 cash prize.

Flip The Script: A Bay Area Youth Film Festival is currently accepting short film submissions around the topics of racial justice and local community. Separated by two major themes, “Racial Justice” and “Community Spotlight”, short film submissions will be further categorized under the following categories:

  • Under 1-minute
  • Animation
  • Silent – without dialogue
  • Wildcard – no format restrictions

This project is organized by the Youth Advisory Council under API Legal Outreach, whose purpose is to empower young people of color and to serve underrepresented communities. 

This California state-wide virtual event will be open to all middle and high school students who are interested in the process of film-making as well as using their unique voices to elevate important topics. Submissions can be received via: www.tinyurl.com/filmsform.

Deadline for all short film submissions is by January 31st, 2021. Screenings will be held virtually on February 12-13, 2021. For more information, please visit our website at www.thatsnotlove.org, our Instagram at @apiloyac, or contact us at yp@apilegaloutreach.org.